domingo, 3 de dezembro de 2006
Diálogo entre Socrates e Jesus
O que aconteceria se Socrates (o grande filósofo grego da antigüidade) se encontrasse com Jesus (o precursor do cristianismo) para bater um papo sobre religião? Um possível resultado pode ser acompanhado no texto “Socrates Meets Jesus” (encontrado via Stumble Upon). Um trecho:
“Socrates - And who for gracious sakes is the devil? Surely he must be a god to be able to visit such powerful calamities on mankind: Yet you have just said there is only one God. Also you have said that all that exists comes from God: And now you say that only good comes from God and all evil comes from someone called the devil. These would seem to be contradictions. I am afraid that your religion is far too complex for this old head to fathom. Yet I will be an eager student and try hard to understand, if you will but help me. Please explain: who is the devil and how can all things come from God and yet not come from God?
Marcadores: stumbles